• Question: How are you going to improve Hublles telescope

    Asked by 496sptm42 to Ollie, Christine, Angus on 2 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Angus Gallie

      Angus Gallie answered on 2 Mar 2018:

      The James Webb Space Telescope, will follow on from the fantastic science and pictures that Hubble gave us. It will have a much bigger mirror than Hubble and it will be so far out in space that it won’t be affected by earth or sun gravity, so it can work on for maybe 10 years. Using infra-red vision it will study way back to the formation of the first stars and galaxies and be able to look through dust clouds where stars are born. It will also be able to study planets in other solar systems to see if they have atmospheres which could support life. In short it will be a massive leap forward in science discovery!
