• Question: if you had the chance to go into space and look at black holes would you

    Asked by 562sptm42 to Ollie on 7 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Alexander Burke

      Alexander Burke answered on 7 Mar 2018:

      Never in a million years. First of all, you can’t directly see black holes since they are invisible. For us to see an object, the light travelling from that object must go into our eyes. We can’t see black holes since they trap the light on and behind the event horizon (point of no return). Also, if I went anywhere near a black hole then I would be spaghettified (stretched into a long string of atoms and get totally destroyed by the singularity (centre) of the black hole). I don’t want to be killed by a black hole so I would choose not to go! I’m happy studying them from the safety of our planet earth =).
