• Question: why do rockets cost so much to bulid

    Asked by space man 24 to Ollie on 2 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Alexander Burke

      Alexander Burke answered on 2 Mar 2018:

      Spaceman 24… incredible username by the way. I suggest you ask this question to Guy, Angus or Hermine who are experts in space technology. I’ll try and give my best answer here though.

      Rockets are very complicated structures. The parts used to create the rockets are incredibly expensive and the amount of thinking that goes into rockets is enormous. Think about it, space engineers must be paid money (so they can support themselves and their families) to build and think up clever ideas to get these objects into space. To build a rocket requires hundreds, if not thousands of scientists to put their heads together and figure out how to put these objects into space. That is already loads of money put into the rocket without anything actually being built! When the object is being built, however, engineers must assemble all the parts which take time. It’s an unimaginably complicated procedure to build spacecraft!
